Head-up display (HUD)


This will help you to familiarize with the things that show on your screen.

Always on Screen

  • Ammo counter
  • Compass
  • Stamnia bar
  • Jump bar

Ammo widget

The ammo widget provides multiple information for your selected weapon - far bottom right corner;

  • The Ammo bars illustrates your current magazine status.
  • Loaded Chamber – Left of the A or 1 symbol (Automatic or Single modus) you can see a rifle round, if this is present it means that there is a round in the chamber, if there is not such a symbol it means that your magazine is completely empty.
  • Fire mode - depending on the weapon, either automatic (shown as "A") or single fire (shown as "S") - just right above the current magazine in your rifle.


Magazines in current state

Flag UI

 |Neutral CP
 |Neutral CP being capped by your team – progress bar is filling up.
 |CP owned by your team (US Army) – progress bar is completely filled and appears in blue.
 |CP owned by opposite team (Russian) – progress bar appears red



The compass is located at bottom of the screen. This is a very important tool, use it to orientate yourself, give directions and call out enemy sightings to team members. You also see above the compass a visualization of the positions of nearby squad members (Squad radar) within a 180° arc in front of you and within a distance of 20m.

Current compass is changed to the format as you can see below, however, the icons of Squad mates has not changed

Old compass but same symbols

 |Small circles show more distant members, larger circle show closer members. The Squad Leader is shown with the "Sergeant" rank symbol.
 |As Medic, you will see squad members in the incapaciated state in red. This will aid you in finding those comrates on the battlefield.
 |Low health players are shown in yellow to the medic.
 |Medics are shown to other players in form of a cross.

On screen when the context calls for it only

  • Names of team players appear over the player's heads when you aim at them. Names of squad members show up in green, other team members show up blue. Left to SL's names show a rank symbol ("Sergeant" rank insignia) and the squad number above it. No names are shown over enemies! Yes, this makes enemy identification difficult, so be careful before you fire;
  • When you select a weapon or equipment with the number keys 1 to 0, you will see your inventory HUD appear on the right hand side for a short duration;
  • Stamina/Jump indicator – bottom right-hand corner;
  • Health indicator (for medics only) - over the team player's characters;
  • Voice indicator - far bottom left;
  • Control Point widget - Top middle.
  • Forward Operating Base widget - top left-hand corner;
  • Pre-round or round timer: Before a match starts, you may see the pre-round timer. During a match, if a time limit applies to the match, a round timer will also be shown. These timers appear top, right-hand corner;
  • Map - right half side of screen;
  • Spawn screen;
  • In-game text chat - top left;
  • Administrator text chat - top middle;
  • Status message sometimes appear as feedback when you interact in the game – top middle